Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Today 2/21

Today I need to grocery shop.  There is NOTHING in the house to eat...  and I mean NOTHING!

Today I need to run 4.5 miles as per my training schedule.  I'm a bit nervous after my 6 mile run on Sunday didn't go too well... but the weather here today is beautiful, so I'm excited to get out and hit the road.  May hit Pinterest 1st, there are some GREAT motivational sayings there!!  Wish I could download them to my phone and do a slide show while I run!!

Today starts Thing 1's Homework Achievement Plan as laid out by the school guidance counselor.  I'm nervous, yet hopeful that this will take some of the edge off the homework landmines that we have fallen into.

Today I plan on covering Thing 2's name with fabric, after another coat of paint to the edges.

Today I plan on not doing anything dumb!!!  ;o)

1 comment:

  1. Well, THAT didn't work. Left my backpack (don't carry a purse) in the cart at Target. Drove across parking lot to Giant Eagle, got out of car, quickly got back into car, RACED across parking lot. Back pack still in cart.
    Dumb Ol Me!!
