Thursday, March 29, 2012

Finally Finding the joys of Running! and wishes

I have solved my blister problem!!!!!  And I couldn't be happier!  I made my 10 miles - actually did 11 and in record time for me!!  Now to tackle those darn hills!!  LOL  But I'm loving my running high now!  And can't wait for my next run.  Days off are hard!!

I wish I could do everything I want to do... How do you do it all?? 
I want to keep the house clean.  (but have you heard the one about trying to clean your house with kids is like brushing your teeth while eating an Oreo??!!)  I want to run and workout daily.  I want to be creative. I want to start my own business.  I want to blog more.  I either need more time, or another me!  But the kids, hubby, house all come before anything I want to do.  I've managed to squeeze in the running while Thing 2 is in school so that it doesn't impact anyone else's schedule.  But once she's in school full time, I'll probably have to go back to work... at least more than I do now! So that still doesn't leave a lot of time for all of the above.  I wish I could find a way to be financially productive doing the things I love... not that I don't love my 'real' job (PTA), but it's not quite the same. 

Maybe when I win the Mega Millions tomorrow night!!  ROTFLOL!!!!!  (oh my sides hurt now!!)
Dumb ol Me!!

(please leave a comment on how you do it all, or your problems doing it all too - maybe we can figure this out together!)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Joys of Running (aka Pity Party)

Training for a marathon sucks.  Even 1/2 marathon.  It's not going well at the moment.  Mostly b/c I can't breath when I run, no matter how slow I go.  (No, I don't have asthma.) And the blisters are a killer!
Maybe I'm not a runner.
Last year, I watched my sister cross the finish line for the full marathon and cried just as much as she did!  I also cried when total strangers crossed the finish line as I stood there for an hour waiting for my sister.  It was so emotional and uplifting and motivational.  I wanted to be part of that! 
I hate running, always have.  (maybe a sign??!)  But I wanted that feeling I had that day just standing there....  and watching some of those people cross that line, I really though, if THEY could do it... why couldn't I?  I was in good shape, still am... 
But....I've been training for well, probably not as much as I should.  It's a time constraint... and I'm a stay-at-home mom with a preschooler still at home.  My first jobs are the kids and the house, I squeeze my training in when it won't impact anyone else's schedule.  And since January, I've only run 75 miles... not a lot in the whole scheme of things.
I love the feeling I have when I finish a run.  But not today... today I cried.  I'm so disappointed.  I don't think I can do the 13.1 miles.  But EVERYONE  knows I'm doing this. I'll feel like I've let them down.  Esp my sister and her mom.I've gotten new 'running' shoes from my mom.  Socks and support unlimited from my running sister. A heart-rate monitor, a running shirt and shoe bling from her mom.  Inquiries, concern, and support from many others.  I'll let them down.  Not to mention I'll just be embarrassed and feel like a complete failure if I quit.  so.... NO QUITTING!
But damn my feet hurt....
and my heart....
who would have thought that 'running'... just 'running' was so damn hard.
So, Dumb Ol Me will just have to suck it up, wipe away the tears, and keep going.  ...right after these blisters heal....